You are NOT ALONE!
Dear Reader,
Follower of Jesus Christ
Greetings One Again!

guiding text is written in Luke, chapter 1:47-50 NIV:
“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,
for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant,
now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me- holy is his name.
His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.
Devotion Lesson
friend this week we are blessed with a segment of the song Mary sang when she learned
that she was pregnant with little Jesus in her womb.

I highlight to you, the gratitude of Mary’s as she sang her song, I want you to look
around you this week in your lives and see if God has perhaps blessed you with somethings or people for which you can also sing a song of gratitude to
your God.
you find that one 'little' thing or that one 'simple' person for which you have to say thank
you to God for,
we have the best that even others wish they could have had and still we are not satisfied,
we keep being distressed, and ask God to give us the other instead.
I bet you Mary
was not wealthy (earthly) if you follow through her history in the bible, but
she was grateful the minute she learned she was pregnant with the Spirit of
God, that would give her a baby- the son of God.
May He be glorified!
even though I have said look at the earthly things that you have possess and
receive through the grace and will of God, can you again look in the spirit, look within you this week, because if you do, you will see the greatest that is ever there in life.
don’t you remember Jesus says in John 15: He is within us and we are within him.
Yes Jesus Christ is within us, just as he was within Mary. But more than that
he said in the same John 15 that he will sent us the Spirit of Truth and later
he said he is in his father and his father in him and they are in us, so much more
blessing we have in us, that we must sing even more songs than Mary did.
Have you ever wonder why his name is Emmanuel- meaning God with us?
Therefore let
us be grateful that we have the Lord, God all Powerful.
Believe that nothing will be against
us, for God is within us. Let us know that we are more than conqueror and let
us be still and know our God.
you go out and walk the world this week, if people look at you, know they
see God with you.
they pick a fight with you, smile and look deep inside of you, because the
Christ in you has won the fight on the cross.
you go through this week and face sadness, trust in the Comforter, the Councilor;
for the Spirit of God is within you!
and sing a song, because you are NOT ALONE!
Let us pray:
God, Lord of everything that exist,
you for a wonderful teaching this week, please make us see your presence during
this week and know that we are not alone, no matter what we may go through.
us this week, through the power of Your Spirit and let us continue to see your
greatness as we go through this week.
the name of Jesus Christ,
a fantastic Monday and the best week ahead. May God Bless You!
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Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
Note: Tomorrow January 9, 2016, we will feature: "Fulfill Life’s Goals through
Spiritual Will" and on Thursday January 11, 2016 we will feature: "The 12 Keys to Grow in Spiritual Living" - please visit us for all that fun and uplifting post!
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