Saturday, 13 February 2016

Our Help Comes from God, (Psalm 121) Online Sermon Service: Saterday, February 13, 2016

Wisdom of God Church Online International
Online Sermon Service: Saturday, February 13, 2016

Preach-writing by Evangelist Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb

Theme & Text:
Our Help Comes from God, (Psalm 121)

Opening & Welcoming
Praise be to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for by the grace given through him, we are heirs to the kingdom of God, Amen!

Beloved in God. It is a beautiful day!

I thank the almighty God that he has given unto us an opportunity to share the gospel of life once more.

This morning we read from a well-known scripture, a song of the ascents.

Therefore fellow believers and apprentices of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

Feel welcomed to this online sermon service of the Wisdom of God Church International once more!

Thank you for taking time to be a part here of, Amen!

Part One

I always like to start off with this note: I bet you think, “Who I am that is preach-writing?” And you are wondering, “What is the meaning of this online church with written sermons?” Well please visit the background of church page as well as the church overview page on the Wisdom of God Church online weblog to read my revelation from God and my calling in duty. In fact I urge you to read all previous post whenever you get space in your hectic lives. Share a word of our works to your community out there, we will really appreciate it. Amen!

After I was assigned by the spirit of God for this task, I have beg God that He must enlighten us more and more through the Holy Spirit, that we may understand the Gospel even better, that we may not fall away, by the tactics of the evil one who is now already in the world and who has already set up perimeters with the motive to cause division and for dispersing fabricated gospels against the true Gospel of God. 

But fear not, Satan will see the wrath of God, let us be grateful that we have a choice to see eternity, regardless of Satan’s deceits, a choice he does not have.

May the Lord God be Glorified, forever more!


Let us go to part two of today’s sermon service. I advise that you may connect your desired gospel music at the background (softly) during the time reading the sermon, as it will stimulate your mind to connect with the Spirit of God and open the valve of you concentration while reading. A relevantly silent space, with the sound of nature is very useful as well.

Thank you all!

Part Two

Let us pray to commence the service and bless the word. Amen!

Awesome God,
King of the Creation,
We thank you for this moment, for a chance to share your wonderful word,
The bread of life, the body of Your One, True Son,
The Saviour of the world, our Messiah, Jesus Christ!

Awesome God,
Please guide the message of Your Holy Gospel,
Present the correct and true Gospel to your children,
Help us to teach what you make us to understand and not what we desire to preach,
So your name may forever be praised,

In Jesus Name,


If you have a bible in front of you please open it on Psalm 121 we read from one to eight. You may alternatively read along as we will write out all the scriptures we quote. Amen!

The Title: Our Help Comes from God!
New International Version

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from?  

2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip- he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord watches over you- the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord will keep you from all harm- he will watch over your life;

8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and for evermore.


The Sermon!

Beloved in the Lord, our God!

I am privileged to have you as audience, to give sermon on this very scripture of high magnitude among the many I have preached.

I lift up my eyes to the hill, where does my help come from? My help comes from God, the Maker of the heavens and the earth.

The writer of this Psalm confides his faith in the Creator. The writer exhibits his trust in the All-Powerful God.

You see often in life we go through hardship. We encountered times of distress and agony, a painful experience that we wish should move away.
The lesson today is, who do we call for help? Where do we expect our help to come from? Where do we look if things come damning on us?

A US marine is all alone on the battle field in Iraq. He sees the enemy moving closer on him. He notice he needs some backup, yet his unit members are either executed or captured somewhere in the enemy camps. He has got a few ammunition left to commence an attack on the enemy, which moves in patches of ten-five man groups searching him. Finally he notice his got a radio on him and has a quiet time to make one call for rescue.

Who will he call?

Let’s suppose a young African girl kiss her moms and dad and went off for her prom and continue to party the night away. She have so much fun that she don’t check how much she drinks. She later blackout and sleep there on a sofa. When the time comes to close club, the manager wakes her up and tell her; “Lady it’s time to close, let me help you out.” He leaves her by the door as he lock himself to take a nap somewhere in the club. All he friends are long gone. She looks up in the street and it is dark and scary out the. She touch her pockets and she feels her phone is still there in working condition, however with the credit balance she can make only one call.

Who does she call?

I am sure you will agree with me that the marine would call his commander, at the US Army base (back home) to confide his situation and trust his commander’s instructions to determine his fade.

I am sure you will agree with me that that young girl will call her home, waking her dad or her mom and trust they will do anything to pick her up and bring her to safety.

As Christians, we roam the world. We find ourselves in the steam of law suits, sickness and chronic pain, poverty or what have you, we often go out trying to solve the problems we have by doing the same things that got ourselves into the mess.

Jonah is the proof that Christians turning from the plan and will of God, if we try to solve things in our own ways, it will get us into ships from which we will be thrown off into the sea and the sea will sent wales to eat us up and eventually like Jonah we must call on our Lord to bring us to our planned destination.

Therefore let us sing the song of the ascents this morning and show our trust and complete assurance in God.

Let us know that we have to lift up our eyes to the hills, because our help will come from our God the Creator of us.

Just like the marine called back the source of his mission in Iraq, his commander and just like the young girl, who kissed her parents knowing they are her source had call them back in her distress, let us also know God is our source as Christians and He will do anything to rescue us from any situation we are in, we only need to call Him! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

This morning’s service is a reassurance that God is missing us! He is missing the call of our voice!

He has notice we wonder too much in the world, seeking answers, consulting marriage counselors, addiction therapist, witch doctors and many other human solutions to solve our problems.

God is here to say: “Look up to Me, Look up by calling Me, I will give you rest, I will hear your prayers because I am your Creator, the Source of your existence.”

God is waiting patiently,

He waits through the day,

He waits through the night, for He does not sleep. He is eager and ready to hear and aid his children. Praise God!

As you read this scripture in Psalm 121 today. As you read and hear the words of this sermon online right now. Just trust in God. He has already took charge of your concerns. He is eliminating the plans of darkness and is restoring your life to be better than before.

Yes, trust him, because he has the keys of every door of life. If you were locked in loneliness, poverty, unemployment, cancer, asthma, HIV, in prison, resentment with family, pain for a lost one, an unbearable pain and many more, here; See he unlock your burden, by reading this text like you mean it, God unlocked you from all inequities, in the name of Jesus Christ;

Read and mean every word:

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? 

2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let my foot slip- he who watches over me will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over all Christians will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord watches over me- the Lord is my shade at my right hand;

6 the sun will not harm me by day, nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord will keep me from all harm- he will watch over my life;

8 the Lord will watch over my coming and going both now and for evermore.

I receive my freedom from my oppressor, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Thank you very much, thank you for trusting God. You have been redeemed toady. Amen!

That brings us to the end of this sermon service on line, please keep in touch with us, by logging on to Wisdom of God Church online daily, read our daily post as they also have helpful resources in the past we have write a lot on spiritual living its available on the left side bar, please read it, it will change your way of viewing life.

Thank you for this time that you took to read this sermon service! If you think it is relevant to someone copy the link here below and past it in your email and sent it to them.

May God Bless you!


Part 3 Closing

This was the sermon service for today. Note this sermon service is not extract from the writings of the Evangelist. They may have reference to the writings and to the bible as it is illustrated here in, but they are typed and posted on the very day of the service based on the scripture and wisdom through the spirit of God.

If you have a prayer request please forward to or visit the Prayer Room Online.

We encourage you to share our post with friends and family in anyway as long as you link back to our site

Please tell us how we can do better, or what you think about our works for God, by posting your opinion under the post in the comments section and write to us at or to leave a not for the Evangelist.

Let us close by prayer;

Dear Lord, how wonderful you are!
Thank you for a beautiful sermon,
Thank you that your Spirit that led your Evangelist,
Thank you for your children that could learn from your word
We have come to the end or the online service, but we remain focused in the Spirit for the sake of our soul,
Lead us hereafter further and bless us in the name of Jesus Christ,


Our father,
Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth, as it is in heaven,
Give us our daily bread,
Forgive us our trespasses,
As also we do forgive our trespassers,
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one,
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory,

Now and forevermore!


Receive the blessing of the Lord your God,
So that the love of God the Father,
The Grace of God the Son and
The comforting fellowship of God the Holy Spirit,
Be with us all, Forevermore!


Saints, we believe you had a wonderful service with us online, we recommend you share this sermon with friends by emailing the post to them.

If you have not accepted God as your Lord and Saviour yet, don’t doubt for it is written: Isiah 56:3; Let no foreigner who has bound himself to the Lord say, “The Lord will surely exclude me from his people.” And let not any eunuch complain, “I am only a dry tree” Therefore you foreigners and dry trees, Rejoice for you have now joined in faith and are Children of Abraham after you say this prayer;

Prayer of Repentance
Lord, God Almighty. I have come to be a child of yours, by acknowledging your only begotten Son Jesus Christ, as the Saviour and Grace for my salvation, please receive me now and bless me with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Amen!

If you have done saying that prayer, you are a member of the royals of the Kingdom of God, so start fellowship with a Christian based church in your zone or simply join us online for our services. Check the Online Service Schedule and pop in whenever. You can also subscribe your email address to receive update as they are posted.

Remember, if you are an active member (online active) of our congregation, please email us you biography and what you want to do for God and let’s see what God can trust you with!

May God bless you!

Wisdom of God Church Online International

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