Approach the Throne of Grace with Confidence!
Dear Viewers and
Followers of Jesus Christ
Greetings Once Again!
greet you in the mighty and gracious name of our Saviour, the Messiah Lord Jesus
Christ, and thank you for taking time to read this week’s short: Weekly
Devotion for 14-20 February 2016, by the Wisdom of God Church Online.
guiding text is written in Hebrews 4:14-16 NIV:
Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens,
Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness,
but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--- yet was
without sin.
Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may
receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Devotion Lesson
in the Lord, this week we are blessed to see the grace of God through this beautiful
selection by the Spirit of God, as it is written in Hebrews we are reminded this week that Jesus
Christ our High Priest is inviting us to freely approach the throne of grace
with confidence. Amen!
know that a priest is a mediator between us and God. If we look from an
earthly prospect, we would say a priest is like an attorney trying proof our innocence,
yet Satan has been a cruel prosecutor reporting all our transgression without
saw we are perishing because of Satan, so he sent his only begotten son to safe
the world. Satan was thrown out of heaven (Revelation 12) and now Jesus Christ
has liberated us from Satan’s accusations, meaning we have won the case with
our faithful lawyer Jesus Christ--- had gone the extra mile to pay the ransom
(with his blood) for all accusation made against us by Satan. Hallelujah!
reason why Jesus Christ came to face the world in flesh was so that he would go
through the same temptations, trials and tribulations that we face here on
see, Jesus Christ through him coming and facing the world had reprogrammed the worlds
order of Law-Sin-Judgment (to death) to Law-Sin-Grace (to Life), meaning, he ensured
us grace through sin, that we may see hope in Jesus Christ through confessing his name.
regarded it fair to experience all that we will face on earth, with himself before he could
allow the final judgment on us (judgment for sin against the Spirit of God).
Through self-experimenting Jesus Christ would now not judge on sin alone, but would
consider our transgressions are transferable for righteousness if we approach the throne of
grace (obedience to the Spirit of God). Glory to God!
big deal here is, that he only did not come to experience it, but to take the blame
of all our sins, for all time sake and be crucified as if he had sinned
himself, in order that we may be forgiven though confessing his name.
bible says we are redeemed, a price is paid for us to never feel as sinners,
but to know we have received grace and mercy through Jesus Christ.

Yet all the Son of God wants in
return is, that we must remember what he did for us on the cross and to approach
the Throne of Grace with confidence in his name. Glory!
the past week, past month or the past year(s) you were worried about a terrible
mistake you have made, something that keeps causing you to fall away from
worshipping in fullness, be assured as you go this week, the case is closed. Jesus Christ has paid the fine on your behalf
and through him you are now cleansed from all passed transgression.
Rejoice and be grateful,
you have right to approach the Throne of Grace with Confidence. Hallelujah!
Let us pray:
God, Lord of everything that exist,
you for a wonderful teaching this week, please make us see and understand what
you have done for us on the cross and let us know that if we have accepted you
and have confessed you as our Lord and Saviour, we can freely approach the Throne of Grace with confidence
during this week and know that we are redeemed, no matter what we go through.
us this week, through the power of Your Spirit and let us continue to see your
greatness as we go through this week.
the name of Jesus Christ,
a fantastic Monday and the best week ahead. May God Bless You!
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Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
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