Wisdom of God Church Online International
Online Sermon Service: Saturday, February 20, 2016
Preach-writing by
Evangelist Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
Theme & Text:
Observing and Accepting the Call of God
(Matthew 4:18-20)
Opening & Welcoming
Praise be to our
Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for by the grace given through him, we are
heirs to the kingdom of God, Amen!

Let us therefor draw
our attention close to the Word of God, let us be delighted that we can still
be taught from his Word as it is written.
Feel welcomed to
this online sermon service of the Wisdom of God Church International once more!
Thank you for taking
time to be a part here of, Amen!
Part One
I always like to
start off with this note: I bet you think, “Who I am that is preach-writing?”
And you are wondering, “What is the meaning of this online church with written
sermons?” Well please visit the background of church page as well as the church
overview page on the Wisdom of God Church online weblog to read my revelation
from God and my calling in duty. In fact I urge you to read all previous post
whenever you get space in your hectic lives. Share a word of our works to your
community out there, we will really appreciate it. Amen!
After I was assigned
by the spirit of God for this task, I have beg God that He must enlighten us
more and more through the Holy Spirit, that we may understand the Gospel even
better, that we may not fall away by the tactics of the evil one who is now
already in the world and who has already set up perimeters with the motive to
cause division and for dispersing fabricated gospels against the true Gospel of
But fear not, Satan
will see the wrath of God, let us be grateful that we have a choice to see
eternity, regardless of Satan’s deceits; a choice he does not have.
May the Lord God be
Glorified, forever more!
Let us go to part two of today’s sermon service. I advise that you may
connect your desired gospel music at the background (softly) during the time
reading the sermon, as it could stimulate your mind to connect with the Spirit
of God and open the valve of you concentration while reading. A suitably silent
space, with the sound of nature is very useful as well.
Thank you all!
Part Two
Let us pray to commence
the service and bless the Word. Amen!
Awesome God,
King of the
We thank you for
this moment, for a chance to share your wonderful Word,
The Bread and Life,
the Body of Your One, True Son,
The Saviour of the
world, our Messiah, Jesus Christ!
Awesome God,
Please guide the
message of Your Holy Gospel,
Present the Correct
and True Gospel to your children,
Help us to teach
what You make us to understand and not what we desire to preach,
So Your name may
forever be Praised,
In Jesus Name,
If you have a bible
in front of you please open it on Matthew 4 we read from 18 to 20. You may
alternatively read along as we will write out all the scriptures we quote.
The Title: Observing
and Accepting the Call of God!
New International Version
Matthew 4:18-20
18 As Jesus was
walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brother, Simon called Peter and
his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were
19 “Come, follow
me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”
20 At once they left
their nets and followed him.
The Sermon!
Beloved in the Lord,
our God!
I am privileged to
have you as audience, to give sermon on this very beautiful and short scripture
and I thank God because his Spirit is with me.
Jesus Christ, after he
came back from fasting in the wilderness for fourty day, knew the time to commence
and introduce this gospel to the people came upon him.
However, he knew he
had to call twelve men to be disciples (students), which if they had graduated
after three years and a half years (the period from his thirty to thirty three and a
half years that Jesus told us this gospel in person), where supposed to take
charge of the works as qualified (in the spirit) Apostles of Christ. Amen!
I am sure we
understand that the gospel of God and the service of Jesus Christ is not a
property of any given individual, but it is a calling, a duty we are trusted with through the grace of God.
Abraham had to bless (pass it to)
Isaac and Isaac, Jacob and Jacob (whom God called Israel) had to bless his twelve
sons (also the twelve tribes of Israel) from which Moses decent in Egypt and
even Moses had to give the service over to Joshua, and it went on till Samuel,
until Elijah gave his robe over to Elisha and in the same John the Baptist did
his task and left the remainder for Jesus the Messiah, who had called the above
disciples and so it continues till this day. Hallelujah!
So Jesus is walking
by the Sea of Galilee and notice this two fishermen busy catching fish. In another
part of the bible it is clear that although this men tried they could not catch
fish initially, however, on the instruction of Jesus, they had thrown in their
nets on the other side of the boat. To their surprise, they caught more than
enough and then astounded, they looked at the Christ standing there.
My super question is…
What astounding sort
of things does God instruct you to see in your life today?
My super question is…
Do we know the voice
of God? Will we be able to understand the sound of his call?
I remember when God
called Samuel, Samuel actually though his father Eli was the one calling him. Three
times he when to Eli and ask “are you calling me father?” it was only on the
third time that Eli full of the wisdom of God, realized that it was God calling his
son, so he instructed him to go back and if he (Samuel) would hear the call
again, he must say “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
The value in that
scripture is the wisdom of Eli. The ability to understand and interpret the approach
of God. To be able to make out that God had called his son.
My point is if they
both father and son had been unwise, Eli would probably say, come here son,
sleep next to me, this is witchcraft, someone is calling you to become crazy –
and that is the attitude of our people in this generation.
Moses saw a burning
bush in the wilderness and out of curiosity went closer and God started to speak
to him; “Take off your shoes Moses, the Place you have come is Holy” – most of
us would have ran away, saying that is witchcraft; a talking-burning tree, it is
impossible to us.
What astounding sort
of things does God instruct you to see in your life today? The things you see
because he wants to talk to you, He wants to call you. He wants you to be a
servant of hope, a preacher of faith, an apostle of life and or a Shepard of love.
Beloved as I focus
today on this title “Observing and Accepting the Call of God” I will share this
secrete. The promises that you often make in your time of distress, the view
and opinion you have of God when things are not going well for you, are the
fruits of the calling within you.
My marriage almost got
broken once and I said to God, I will serve you and remain in you service if
you safe my marriage and even though my marriage was saved I was on the loose
again, going on with life, but the spirit of God that heard me make that oath that day, reminded
me of my duty to God.
Sometimes you go
through a long and possibly incurable sickness (although I don’t believe in incurable
anything), sometimes you survive a terrible accident, sometimes you dream of
yourself serving in a hospital, sometimes you dream you give water to many
people yet sometimes you dream you are at a rubbish dump and are collecting or speaking
to human bones… God will reveal to you in many ways.
The importance in this
that I have learned is that we don’t prescribe our self for the will and the
plan of God. We don’t show interest or make us lustful to be servants of God. Yes
we should meditate on Gods word and must trust and view everything through the
My point is if
anyone get a dream about picking up bones of dead people, they would regard
that horrible, it would be undesiring for them, but unfortunately that is the
tone of the Spirit and it is that way so that the world do not understand the spirit; and that is the idea.
While I am closing;
Watch out for habits,
fear and doubt.
Habit that things
are only done this way and contemplating on how people will view it.
Somebody will say
this online church with written sermons is upnormal, by habit we must go in a church
for sermons – yet the Christ says; “There come as time and that time is now,
that neither of you will go there or here to serve God, but you will serve him
in spirit and truth” and to me spirit and truth is when you whole self is
centered on God and nothing else.
Remember it is
because of habit that Jesus Christ was crucified and many followers after him
were killed.
We often fear and doubt that, what if this is not really the voice of God? You see the bible says, a person driven
by the spirit of God is like a wind, you will not know where they come from and
neither were they go to.
Don like to be too organized
if you want to follow God in truth, just be in order and don’t care too much,
for the spirit of God will carry you. The apostles are told, don’t care if you
go in front of the Sanhedrin, just open your mouth and I (God) will give you
the words to speak.
Maybe we people just
want to be in control of things and we are conscious all the time and
that’s not how it is to serve God. You see if I type this sermons, I completely loose myself and
share what the inner guidance gives me.
I often learn from
what I have written only after I have post it, because I write it the very
morning I must post it, like right now it is 10:27 my time / 00:27 US time and I
am late with like 27 minutes and more but its best for me this way because I want to serve from heaven and
not from me. Praise God!
Lastly I believe the
many I have share with you today will guide you to look closely, better and
with wisdom, to know the voice and action of Gods call and that you will accept
to follow like Simon and Andrew have without, doubt and fear, more so that they
have left behind they habits (fishing) to do the will of God.
That brings us to
the end of this sermon service on line, please keep in touch with us, by
logging on to Wisdom of God Church online daily, read our daily post as they
also have helpful resources in the past we have write a lot on spiritual living
its available on the left side bar, please read it, it will change your way of
viewing life.
Thank you for this
time that you took to read this sermon service! If you think it is relevant to
someone copy the link here below and past it in your email and sent it to them.
May God Bless you!
Part 3 Closing
This was the sermon
service for today. Note this sermon service is not extract from the writings of
the Evangelist. They may have reference to the writings and to the bible as it
is illustrated here in, but they are typed and posted on the very day of the
service based on the scripture and wisdom through the spirit of God.
If you have a prayer
request please forward to godswordsonline@gmail.com or visit the Prayer Room Online.
We encourage you to
share our post with friends and family in anyway as long as you link back to
our site http://wisdomofgodchurch.blogspot.com/
Please tell us how
we can do better, or what you think about our works for God, by posting your
opinion under the post in the comments section and write to us at godswordsonline@gmail.com or evangelistnowasebmm@gamil.com to leave a not for the Evangelist.
Let us close by
Dear Lord, how
wonderful you are!
Thank you for a
beautiful sermon,
Thank you that your
Spirit that led your Evangelist,
Thank you for your
children that could learn from your word
We have come to the
end or the online service, but we remain focused in the Spirit for the sake of
our soul,
Lead us hereafter
further and bless us in the name of Jesus Christ,
Our father,
Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth, as it is
in heaven,
Give us our daily
Forgive us our
As also we do
forgive our trespassers,
Lead us not into
But deliver us from
the evil one,
For yours is the
kingdom, the power and the glory,
Now and forevermore!
Receive the blessing
of the Lord your God,
So that the love of
God the Father,
The Grace of God the
Son and
The comforting
fellowship of God the Holy Spirit,
Be with us all,
Saints, we believe
you had a wonderful service with us online, we recommend you share this sermon
with friends by emailing the post to them.
If you have not
accepted God as your Lord and Saviour yet, don’t doubt for it is written: Isiah
56:3; Let no foreigner who has bound himself to the Lord say, “The Lord will
surely exclude me from his people.” And let not any eunuch complain, “I am only
a dry tree” Therefore you foreigners and dry trees, Rejoice for you have now
joined in faith and are Children of Abraham after you say this prayer;
Prayer of Repentance
Lord, God Almighty.
I have come to be a child of yours, by acknowledging your only begotten Son
Jesus Christ, as the Saviour and Grace for my salvation, please receive me now
and bless me with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Amen!
If you have done
saying that prayer, you are a member of the royals of the Kingdom of God, so
start fellowship with a Christian based church in your zone or simply join us
online for our services. Check the Online Service Schedule and pop in whenever.
You can also subscribe your email address to receive update as they are posted.
Remember, if you are
an active member (online active) of our congregation, please email us you
biography and what you want to do for God and let’s see what God can trust you
May God bless you!
Wisdom of God Church
Online International
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