your Life’s Goals through Spiritual Will
Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
These are extracts of the upcoming book of:
Evangelist Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb – See the World through
the Spirit
Last time I have
posted the topic 'The Foundation of Spirituality and Spiritual Living,' and I
promised I will post 'Fulfill your Life’s Goals through Spiritual Will' and the 12
Steps to Grow in Spirituality, which is coming up this Thursday, 11 January
The writings on
the subject are extracts from my book “See the World through the Spirit” which
will be published next month by the Wisdom Words Publishing Group.
Background on Topic
The reason why I
have settled to write on spirituality and spiritual living is because I have
learned that many believers are still short on understanding the discipline of
spirituality, while others needs to enlarge their space through constant
learning and by making acquaintances with the matter.
You may ask: How do I say many believers are still short on understanding? I will use you for the experiment
to see if I am close;
How often do you
come across someone, a Christian for that matter that says, they are going
through a mess, or facing a hard time, but are so glad they are, because they
see a setup from this situation, for they have faith in God. I am sure your answer is that few do.
You see, if you
look at the lives of many believers, they forever have a battle they are
facing, they go weak in it, rarely speak courageously, have poor faith in God
and would often show how they are mourning in their dilemma.
Understanding spirituality
and spiritual living are disciplines that must be practices daily, meaning if
you are new to the subject you must of course meditate on it daily like a baby
starting to learn the environment around them.
It’s like a new entry
attorney that must constantly learn during practice before they can make a
reputation in the legal sector.
All I am saying
is living in spirituality and understanding spirituality is mastered over time,
given the amount of time you actually take to study and apply it to your life. Hence, Christians must take time to understand spirituality because it is
the foundation of the entire gospel of Christ.
Fulfilling Life’s Goals through Spiritual Living;
Everybody has a goal
in life, which they want to achieved, for that reason we establishing objectives,
and short goals, which are based on our ultimate life’s goal.
We set this goals
to become better people in life and we motivate ourselves in propelling to
achieve with plans we have, like; buying a house or getting a bigger one;
studying for a career or grow in entrepreneurship; living a healthy life etc… if we see this achievements fruitful,
we regard ourselves as favored by God and prosperous.
However, if we
see this prosperity lacking in our life’s, or see that it is challenged, if we
see hardships arising, we often ask the tough questions and base our view of
God as not providing, absent, punishing and as rejecting us.
Resentment based
on none achievement and struggle is the door for Satan, as he waits for
our weakness to take charge of us mind. Therefore Paul preaches of perseverance in faith.
You see, evil
cannot tolerate a healthy mind, controlled in spirituality and which serves in the
will of God. That is why Satan had to make an application to God to test the
faith of Job, because it was not his place to tempt anyone who is upright. (Light
and darkness cannot go together)
Remember when Satan
tested the faith of Job, he was still allowed in heavenly meetings or the
congress of God with his angels.
It is the same
for us today, that the more we are upright in the Spirit of God and feed our
minds by healthy living, daily connecting with God through prayer asking “lead
us not into temptation, and deliver us from the evil one” we will keep on
living a fruitful life. If you read on, you will see how Satan approach us in
our time.
We must
understand that in our time Satan has been cast out of heavens and is already
in the world. Satan is in a state where he is given temporally rule or you can
say the final rule of this present world and its kingdoms, for after this kingdoms
ends, there comes a new heaven and earth, without a see, on which the New
Jerusalem the great city of God decent, and the Kingdom of God will exist
Therefore as I
have written in one of my writings “Why the Book of Revelations is not preached
by most Preachers”, I have kind of give clarity that Satan has dominion and control
over governments and their systems and hence the systems are slowly imposing sanctions
on spiritual directness.
The current time
still gives leverage to preach heavenly spirituality in public domain and there is still chance to be a
critic against the system as I just have, therefore find this resourceful
for there comes times when the word of God will not be found and people will go
hungry to want to hear it (Amos), even the preachers will be afraid to preach
the true gospel and even people will gather them the preachers that will preach
only what their hearts desire to hear (Timothy).
Let me come closer to the subject of Goals and
Spiritual Living from what I illustrated above;
It is based on
spiritual discouragement that hardship come. getting land; buying a house;
getting a loan; the attitude of your boos, these are often controlled by
wickedness to discourage our healthy spirit, sometimes even our own children
and spouses are victims to the tread of Satan to discourage us.
So taking it from
above, Satan does not come to God to get approval as before, but he uses people
around us, the systems of administration etc… to upset our healthy mindset and
bring delusion to our spiritual life in-order to hurtle us to fall and once we fall
he takes charge of our mind to lead us astray.
readiness is important to understand spiritual cruelty.
You see the
result of the above title and my book overall, is on viewing the world as a
winner and not to be defeated by meanness of the darkness which we often
face from even the closest people to us. It is our place to understand that it is written our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against
the dark forces of Satan.
You must understand
how to resolve the anger of your spouse, kids, boss, friends, the loan
consultant, the lady at the counter, the taxi driver etc… For instance that if you and your
spouse have a disagreement, to let yourselves see and understand what that means spiritually
and that you have an obligation as spouses to stand together and resist the
plan of Satan.
Personal Story:
One night I got
up from a bad dream about my wife standing by as I was being assault by people.
Because the dream was so saddening I sit outside at the porch for a while
praying for us and my entire family.
You see I know my
calling and I understand the kind of hardship I will often endure.
That specific night
before we slept I remember my laptop kind of went off on me, while I was working and
it didn’t want to switch on anymore. I had a post due for the next morning to
be published and instead of being worried I said it will switch on in the
morning and I will be able to finish on time. I knew why the battle was on so I
motioned myself in spirit to not let the situation overturn my environment and
I remember I even
said to myself; “It’s all under control, this is my break to fast a little from
working and read the bible, on the contrary I read the bible every day because it’s
my resources book, but by the spirit of God I just wanted to motivate myself
with those words.
I believe with
words like that we often build a bridge for ourselves where we didn’t even know
how we would get through the situation and God makes provision because where He
sees the will and the faith we have in Him, He does for us, what He did for
Abraham through faith.
So my wife got
out of bed and joint me outside and I just motivated her to be awake in the
spirit and that I will never let her alone and that I will always be by her
side no matter what.
You see instead
of making it sound like I distrust her about my dream or to show that I fear
the effects of my dream, if I would have said; Please don’t let me alone or let
me down – I rather decided to reverse my view of the situation and based it in
her favour to win over Satan from whatever plan he had installed.
We went in, it
was about 2:30am and I switched on the laptop and it worked as brand new.
Our marriage is prospering
and growing better and I got peace immediately after I spoke to my wife that
morning and that’s just a simple example of how you overcome little things
daily, to grow you trust in God, that if big situations come, you may speak your
way through them.
Spirituality is
based on our precise attitude in approach any given situation, it is our focus on
God, our faith in the unseen victory and the correct words we use to say to
things that are not as though they are.
We achieve solution
in our will and we have confidence that we have defeated the devil no matter
how many times he plans to strike us. That kind of concentration fulfills our
goals of life, with little effort.
Be careful that
even the little troubles we face, does not cause us to fall – because the
ground of falling is the strength of our opponent.
In fighting, for
instance in boxing, you see that once the one opponent punch down the other,
the opponent automatically feels victory and strength over the other and weakness
overwhelm the other unless they are strong spiritually (mentally).

No one, including
Satan knows what we think, but our spirit of how we confront them is going to show
or determine if they will either keep the attack on or withdraw the battle.
You know how a
bully is in school? As long as they are feeling feared they enjoy intimidation,
yet if they is confronted, often by being told of their weakness, they gives
up, so tell your situation to go and tell Satan that he is a looser, on a death
row to burn in hell.
What do I say here?
It’s our own way of thinking; come across a situation you think fear and the situation
got the upper hand, but think that you have victory and have overcome and God will
progress you to victory. The will of win or lose is fostered by us through our spirituality.
Only the person that understands and is strong in spiritual sense is likely to go through something bad and will make the best out of it.
whatever you got through, whatever you face, be bold, fearless, confident and
especially in the mist of hardships not only when things go well, but
especially when you feel it’s so hard that you feel you want to give up – tell
“give up” that you got hope, faith and love and God is love, the greatest of them
God Bless! Much Love!
Manycoloured Manley
Author: To Rise
To Fall To Rise Again!
Evangelist for
the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Wisdom of God
Church Online
are extracts of the upcoming book of:
Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb – See the World through the Spirit
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