Thursday, 18 February 2016

10 Reasons Why Anyone Should Repent!

10 Reasons Why Anyone Should Repent!
Let’s See How it is Worth Taking a Chance.
Evangelist Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
Author: To Rise To Fall To Rise Again!
Writer, Evangelist & Blogger: Wisdom of God Church Online

Allow me to share ten reasons of many why anyone should repent and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The reasons which I share here under are based on biblical promises, which is the footing of Christianity.

Like I have explained in my previous writing on The 12 Keys to Grow in Spiritual Living it is fundamental that anyone that wish to accept Jesus Christ and follow in the Christians Gospel of the coming Kingdom must also be baptized in water as a sign of being born again and repented. Baptism will transform us into pursuing life in spiritual terms and to foresee an everlasting heaven and world and that is the ultimate goal of Christianity.

My first point would have been by repentance we get Grace and Love Freely Given, but I understand love and grace is given to all and will just continue on with you after you repent, because through the text "God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten son…," is a clear statement that Love (which is God) and Grace (Which is his son and what he did for us on the cross) was given freely unto the world (everyone) and that is the door to enter through into accepting Christ and to be born again!

Now that we have found that the way to God is through Jesus Christ let us see, what are the other benefits of this union with God, through Jesus Christ, what are the provisions and are they worth it?

1.       Protection and Provision
God is fundamental on the rules and authority of kings and kingdoms, therefore Jesus Christ was crowned ultimate king of the universe, he is the most high priest and the Saviour, the Messiah and he is God's hand of provision and protection, therefore he says anything you ask in my name shall be given unto thee. Surly you have read and will remember the journey of Jesus and his disciples, they have not lack until the very hour Jesus was taken up in heaven and thereafter they have receive the Power of the Holy Spirit which is also with us today. No matter what we go through, to be protected or to receive provision, ask for it in the name of Jesus Christ and God will protect you and provide for you in abundance.

2.       Heirs through Sonship (Children of God)
We have receive sonship, through Jesus Christ, because he is the first born of the sons (collectively sons and daughters). The moment you repent you are being transformed like Jesus Christ was, as it unfold on the day of his baptism, when Jesus Christ was thirty years old, is only then, that God make that announcement; “This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.” We are also being acknowledged through receiving the Holy Spirit, although when it appear in the form of a dove on Jesus, we receive it by laying on of hands. 
Once we are acknowledge sons and daughters, we now become heirs in the kingdom of God

3.       Spiritual Living and Spirit of God
Once we are born of water and the spirit of God, we are going to receive the Spirit of Truth, and such will lead us in spiritual living. We will see, hear, speak and reason through spiritual understanding. I have written some titles on spirituality, such as;

The Spirit of God will inform us spiritual secrets from the Throne of God, just like Apostle John had seen the Revelation and understanding this artifacts and pursuing the glory of the unseen make us immortal as we have a form of a earthly body yet our treasures are in heaven, through our spiritual being.

4.       Freedom and Restoration
Before we have accepted Christ, before we have gone through the water, when we were still in Egypt (the spiritual term for captivity and oppression) we have been slaves to sin, sickness, resentment and all sort of hardships.
We were under the rule of our fleshly desires and where listening to the voice of Satan, just as he was speaking to Eve in the Garden of Eden.
However now that we have found this grace and have been transform into a immortal being our spirit is able to resist all forces of oppression, because through Jesus Christ everything was done and completed and we have been freed and restored, hence the song says; ‘the blind will see, the poor will be rich, the sick will be healed because the Christ has come to safe.’ Amen!

5.       Everlasting Life
Many still believe this world will just keep on going on, yet we have seen Christ and we have heard him through the spirit. We know that everything he said about kingdom of God is real. Once you are born again, you will immediately feel that intense trust in the Word of God (Son of God). You will understand beyond human imagination that there is a life after this. You may even be blessed like I have been to see how this world is going to vanish and a new world and earth will appear and on it will come the Great City of God. The New Jerusalem! Our minds are not directed in human views and our views are foolishness to human understanding, but is it not written?; “for the foolishness of God is wiser than men’s wisdom.”
Therefore the one who accepts God and repent, to them an everlasting life is presented.

6.       Power of the Word to Command (such as Healing Power)
One thing have Simon the Sorcerer came to ask from Peter, the ability to command over the spirits found on earth and to have dominion over them. Yes, through repentance we get the power of God’s Word to have authority of all existence on earth. Remember God's Word is his Son and that is clarified in John 1, in the New Testament. God says all things where formed in the creation through the Son. That is why Jesus says to us; anything you may ask in my name shall be granted to you, but to ask in his name we have to be transformed through the process he said must be completed. To be born again, baptized through water and the spirit (John 3. Further to that I must emphasis that in Genesis God said let’s make men in our image and let them represent us on earth and rule over the earth- those words qualify to those who repent and follow the will of God. Amen!

7.       The Glory of God (Trinity in us)
Just when Jesus went up the mountain in Gethsemane, after he prayed, his face turned white, it was the same when Moses came back after consulting God on mountain in the Old Testament. God has a divine glory, a splendor of cleanness. If you search deep after repenting and wish to see the face of God, we can see him and those that see him will be filled with his glory. Unlike Moses that could only see the back of God, we have the chance to see God through Jesus Christ. How many of you have got that connection with Christ, through a dream or a vision; you will surly know how glorifying that feeling is, well that glory of trinity comes to dwell in those that are born in the spirit. For me that is the most worthy privilege through repentance!

8.       Spiritual Wisdom of God
There is a lot of insight, secrets and mysteries of God, things that are unfold daily and it is only through people which are at liberty of the control of darkness, for them God trust with such wisdom. You see even Satan was deceived by his own mind after he learned the secrets of God and thought he could become god himself, how much more for a man of lesser establishment, yet the Son of God came to bring the perfection we could not achieve on our own and we can be trusted through him. This Wisdom of God cannot be found through a deceitful plan and to ensure that, God wants us to repent and be transformed in the spirit, so that he can see through the spirit before he can trust us with his wisdom.

9.       Hope and Faith in the Rest
Repentance will make you understand when we die we go to a sleeping state -place called the rest of souls. It was previously the dungeons in which David was (referred to in Psalm 23) and even him was resurrected by Christ from there (through the resurrection of Christ) and is now in the place of rest for the souls. This souls are still hopeful and still have faith and are not tormented by any force of darkness there, for there is none. They are waiting for the day of the Lord to come and they will be dress in white, of them it is written in Revelations, “the great multitude” Rev 7:9. Let those with ears hear what the spirit of God teach. Amen!

10.   See the coming Kingdom of God
There is a purpose and goal and the ultimate vision to convert to any organizations or religions as they are being produced daily, however for Christianity that great purpose is to come to the Throne of God on the day of God and to be accepted to enjoy an everlasting life. We are preparing our souls to be redeemed and cleansed for the eternal rest. The idea is to move on from the flesh and earthly perspective and see the world supernaturally and to pursue the coming Kingdom of God. Amen!

In closing I must say that the bible is a prophesy book which is being revealed daily until it is fulfilled and we are going through the great difficulty, fighting in the spirit in order to overcome the snares of darkness.

Many people believe that by repenting them, they actually invite evil upon them, however it is the contrary. Once you repent you are not under the order of the evil of fleshly desires, but you are placed in authority to have dominion over all wickedness by the power of the word which is Christ.

Other people, feel they have not have enough fun and they will still enjoy their life and desires of the flesh which is fair, as long as you avoid dying before you get a chance to repent, for the door of grace and love remain open and does not discriminate, however, if there is a deep desire, a call by God deep inside of you that you must act today and you refuse, you will give account of that to the One on the Throne.

Others also say, I don’t believe in the bible or any of this religious stuff, well I remember a friend which through grace said like this, he said in bold; “Let me repent and follow Christ with eagerness and trust that he is the Son of God and when he comes -in fact, I will be saved, rather than not believing nor following and when he comes -in fact, I would regret it.”

With that I leave you to it. Remember the door of Grace (Jesus) and Love (God) is always open but consider you don’t manage your time on earth and surly you don’t want to miss the everlasting kingdom of God, trust me, it is coming soon, it is here already. Amen!

May God Bless You!

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