the Book of Revelation is Rarely Preached in most Churches?
By: Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb Copyright © 2016

‘I, John, your
brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that
are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and
the testimony of Jesus.’
This Revelation which is expounded
in 22 chapters is revealing the end of suffering for the church (the people) of
God. The Revelation also portray the returning of the Son of God as it was
promised by the Spirit of God in Acts 1:11. A new city also called the New
Jerusalem or the City of God will appear from the heavens which will give
eternal life, a new beginning and a glorified start for the saints, those which
the Son of God will approve to qualify for such eternal existence. Let the will
of God be forever and ever Amen!
Moreover, the very revelations
also portrays the condemnation of Satan, the tormentor of the people of God, together
with his servants (the demons), as well as those (people) who will choose not
to hear, accept and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ, those who will choose to
continue in their evil ways, will be judged and cast in a setting called Hell,
where they will live in agony for the times that is mentioned in these Revelation.
The book is structured in such
a way that it illustrate the end time ruling system; which will persuade and
pressure the world (the people) to disbelieve the Gospel of Truth, and how
worlds governments will be manipulated by politics of economic control and will
cause genuine leadership (which will speak out about the truth) to be killed
(isolated) and Satan will achieve to present himself in the form of a man and
will do amazing miracles and call himself a god (in order to mislead many saints).
Obviously the manner in which the events are portrayed is complicated as the
Spirit of God costumes the actors as angels, beast with horns, horses and
horsemen, bowls, dragon and other, yet a mysterious city a called Babylon (referred
to as an adulterous woman which mislead the kings/rulers of the world) will
fall and that will be the lead to the victory over Satan.
Although the Revelation sounds
like an ordinary bible event or science fiction; it is evident that the bible
history throughout has been concentrated on human existence, its governments
and how with the instigation by Satan and provided by the will of God (knowing
that He will be Glorified, through His Son) many governments oppressed and or
mislead many people from the truth that God is the ultimate ruler of the
universe and all existence.
This Revelation by John as
well as end time prophecy, such as in the book of Daniel proofs that our
generation is device as the stage of playoff for these very Revelation to take
effect, therefore if we look closely, with the guidance of the Spirit of God
and we will understand the mysterious figures such as the beast, horns and
horses etc…

One major factor is that
preaching of the Revelations is like sounding an alarm as it is illustrated in Chapter
4, just after the message to the seven churches. There sounds a voice like a
trumpet that speaks: “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place
after this.”
Trumpets (sirens/whistles)
would normally be sounds to give warning. To preach the Revelations is
basically sounding a trumpet or warning the people that the end is near and to
warn the masses that the government system is being conned by Satan and that we
must be careful that we are not to accept the mark of the beast, which
according to this Revelation is the ultimate warning – not to accept the mark of the beast.
Preaching anything such as my
last sentence about ‘accepting the mark of the beast’ would mean that you may
be or is in contrast with the current health bill of the US to insert and
electronic chip to US citizen, which is explained; ‘is for their health and
safety reason,’ but which the preacher would dispute as the mark of the beast. Challenging
such a law from biblical perspective would be ‘hilarious’ for this generation,
but it would also mean you contradict an official government law and you know
the after effects, luckily they are closing Guantanamo but there are other
Practically, the government controls
and provide the land to a church to be build and also governs the law of how
such a church must be established, many churches request and receive government
channeled funds for their daily operations, most prominent church establishers
have outside ventures which often bid for government tenders of millions of
dollars and simply speaking - no one wants to be on the bad site of the law,
which is a composition of the government, so we just want to be cool with the
system if I should put it like that.
While we are keeping the cool,
Satan has used our governments or what we can refer to today as his governments
to pass many bills, policies and agendas to prepare and set his snares to cause
many people to stray from the true gospel.
Remember Satan does not care about
the government or about the ruling of the world anymore. He lost that battle
the day he got thrown out of heaven, the very moment that Jesus Christ was born
in Bethlehem (Revelations 12). The evidence of how he uses our government and
rulers is presented in how (after he was thrown out of heaven) he consumed king
Herod to pursue to kill Jesus Christ.
He later through use of the
Roman Empire and the council of the Jews Priest pursued Jesus’s mother, which
symbolically means the Church and her offspring’s, which she will give birth to
(those who will accept and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ), that evidence is
present in Revelations 12:17.
What Satan care about though
is, that when God is going to bring his wrath on him, he will not go down alone. He wants to create a
corrupt world, sinful people more than the time of Sodom and Gomorra, because
he knows God loves all and don’t want none to parish, but regardless God will
uphold His promise, to end the world with the few that would repent and prepare
themselves for the eternal existence.
God knew that in the end
people would be misled by the most respectable people such as their own
preachers, therefore he gave us the Spirit of Truth to speak to us individually
and very rarely we will find a message like this published to the world to heed
us from making a mistake by following the evil desires of the world.
That means you will not pardon
yourselves that the preachers did not teach you because the Spirit daily
instruct you and it is for each and every one to learn the scriptures and
prepare for the eternal rest as it is written in the Old and the New Testaments
and this great Revelation as well.
You know that if God makes a
promise, He will uphold it, at least those of you that read the bible knows
that, therefore we must consider every day we live, as a day of chance, a day
of grace that one more of us must repent and be saved from the wrath of God.
On the part of the preachers,
as service men and women of God we are entitled to preach the whole truth, just
as the Apostles and other have in the bible. Remember it is written, the one
that love his life will lose it and the one that serve God without fear, will
be reward a crown as a servant worthy of his wages.
I have spoken to some preachers and they are actually scared of disrepute,
discrimination and of victimization if they preach the Book of Revelations in
our time.
Now the Revelation don’t imply
that preachers must start riots on the matter and disturb world peace, not at
all, however, the preachers are the watchmen for the church of God and must
sound the trumpet if they see any sign of (spiritual) attack on the church.
Remember our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the dark forces of
It has been the same in the
days of Noah, when the Lord decided he would end the evil people of that time,
yet the people where ignorant about the message Noah told them, finding it
ridiculous and we remember the wrath of God on them.
God sent messengers to Sodom
and Gomorrah to preach repentance from their evil ways and because they did not
change their ways only Lot and his two daughters survived the wrath of God.
The point is the message of
the Revelation must be preached regardless of people repenting or not, as a
servant of the works of God we must serve the people of God without ease, even
though we know the end will come anyway and even though we know Satan may try
to disable us. Or should we rather be friends to the world and enemies of God?
Of course not, because we know that the world and everything it presents will
last, but the promise of God’s Word will forever remain!
I trust you will definitely want to share your comment about this post
so please do!
Many God Bless the World,
Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
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