Saturday, 27 February 2016

Online Sermon Service: Saturday, February 27, 2016

Wisdom of God Church Online International
Online Sermon Service: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Preach-writing by Evangelist Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb

Theme & Text:
Saved Through Faith - Not by Law, (Romans 9:30-33 & Isiah 8:13-14)

Opening & Welcoming
Praise be to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for by the grace given through him, we are heirs to the kingdom of God, Amen!

Beloved in God. It is yet another beautiful day, which the Almighty God has given unto us to be able to share the gospel of life. This morning we focus on the topic: “Saved through Faith – Not by Law”

Therefore fellow apprentices of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, feel welcomed to this online sermon service of the Wisdom of God Church International once more!

Thank you for taking time to be a part here of, Amen!

Part One
I always like to start off with this introduction:

I bet you may think, “Who I am that is preach-writing?” And you are wondering, “What it the meaning to have this online church with written sermons?”
Well, please visit the background of church page as well as the churchoverview page on the Wisdom of God Church online blog to read my revelation from God and my calling in duty.

In fact I urge you to read from our previous post whenever you get space in your hectic time. If you agree with what you read, please share the Word to your fans, family and colleagues- we will really appreciate it in God. Amen!

After I was assigned by the spirit of God for this task, I have beg God that He must enlighten us more and more through the Holy Spirit, that we may understand the Gospel even better, that we may not fall away, by the tactics of the evil one who is now already in the world and who has already set up perimeters with the motive to cause division and for dispersing fabricated gospels against the true Gospel of God. 

But fear not, Satan will see the full wrath of God, let us be grateful that we have a choice to see eternity, regardless of Satan’s deceits, a choice he does not have.

May the Lord God be Glorified, forever more!


Let us go to part two of today’s sermon service. I advise that you may connect your desired gospel music at the background (softly) during the time reading the sermon, as it will stimulate your mind to connect with the Spirit of God and open the valve of you concentration while reading. A relevantly silent space, with the sound of nature is very useful as well.

Thank you all!

Part Two
Let us pray to commence the service and bless the word. Amen!

Awesome God,
King of the Creation,
We thank you for this moment, for a chance to share your wonderful Word,
The Bread and Life, the body of Your One, True Son,
The Saviour of the world, our Messiah, Jesus Christ!

Awesome God,
Please guide the message of Your Holy Gospel,
Present the correct and true Gospel to your children,
Help us to teach what you make us to understand and not what we desire to preach, So your name may forever be praised,

In Jesus Name,


If you have a bible in front of you please open it on scripture provided hereunder. You may alternatively read along as we will write out all the scriptures we quote. Amen!

Saved Through Faith - Not by Law, (Romans 9:30-33 & Isiah 8:13-14)
New International Version

30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith;

31 but Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, has not attained it.

32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the “stumbling-stone”.

33 As it is written: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trust in him will never be put to shame.”

Isiah 8:13-14

13 The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread,

14 and he will be a sanctuary; but for both houses of Israel he will be a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare.


The Sermon!
Beloved in the Lord, our God!

I am privileged to have you as audience, to give sermon on this very scripture on this awesome Saturday.
Our topic today is “Saved through Faith - Not by Law”, as we quote Romans 9:30-33 as well as Isiah 8:13-14

In introduction to these sermon, I would like to pose a series of questions to you to build a foundation for this sermon;

Question one, ‘Are you saved as you are reading this sermon today?’
Question two ‘What tells you or how do you perceive that you are saved?’
Question three ‘What are you saved from?’
And my last question is ‘Who saved you?’ 

If you can answer by understanding the above questions in line with Christianity - which is my foundation of preaching - you are likely to know the purpose and plan of God.

Many times we call ourselves children of God, followers of Jesus Christ and Christians of this faithful Gospel and yet we don’t understand whether we are saved? and from what? And by who? because we don’t know how to know the truth. Amen!

Don’t think I am scamming when I say the above because I can refer you to the bible to take a common practical example that proofs that sometimes we may think we are something and yet we are still not close to it;

Apostle Paul for example:

Saul of Tarsus (called Paul by God) thought he knew God, when he though he was doing a favour or a service for God, by executing Stephen and by pursuing the church of God based on the scripture - according to the laws of Moses.

It was according to the Laws of God that Moses wrote about and which are in the bible that many people today often find themselves standing between Life and Death but the question is; which side are you on?  

Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for all, so how did it came that Saul of Tarsus and Caiaphas the High Priest did not understand the gospel and pursued the church of God yet Peter together with the eleven apostles and the three thousand new believers (in Acts) understood the gospel, yet they Saul, Caiaphas as well as Peter with the believers all read from the same scriptures?

I want you to see that the same scripture can become salvation for one person, yet another will go astray through it. Until God through grace may show Himself unto those as he did to Saul of Tarsus and named him Paul, the Apostle for the Gentiles.

While the Word of God -Son of God- can bring forgiveness to one, he can make another to sin - a stumbling stone,

The Word of God can lead one into freedom, yet another will be bound by this bible in captivity - a stumbling stone,

Also another will make judgment according to the Flesh - stumbling stone, yet the same Word will make another see things in the Spirit...

...until God through grace may show Himself unto them as he did to Saul of Tarsus and named him Paul, the Apostle for the Gentiles.

The scripture is clear this morning as it says; what is like a ‘stumbling stone’ for others, can become a solution for another.

The ‘stumbling stone’ according to Isaiah, is the Son of God.

The point is: the Israelite's understood too much of the Law of Moses and was based thereon, practically binding themselves to it and didn’t want to see the easy solution of salvation which God gave them through Jesus Christ…

…therefore God took that grace and give it to the Gentiles freely, so that the Israelite's will become envious of it…

The point is: if you start to say to yourself things are only supposed to be this way in Christianity. If you understand that somethings are permissible and the others are not allowed in Christianity…

If you say this is the right way to worship God and that is the wrong way to worship God…

…then start take precaution because you may be under the Law - knowing the way to avoid the same.

Remember the bible says: Someone let by the Spirit is like the wind. You don’t know where they come from and you don’t know where they go to.

As I am closing. The Law is for those that are outside the circle of God and death is the result of it, because they are slaves to it (the Law), trying to proof God that they can follow the Law,

but by Faith we are in the circle of God and Salvation is our result, because we are now children of God through faith and we don’t proof God anything, we just thank him, honor him and worship him in the spirit and truth.

However, grace for all, so that everyone can have access to God, through Jesus Christ and that is the foundation of the gospel!

 Finally I must say, it is hard to learn something one-way -for a long time- and suddenly have it changed to another – because you would obviously disagree with it. That is why most Jews in the bible and some today, whom abide by the Law of Moses do not want to convert to Christianity and I understand completely why, but I am glad the grace is for all – the door is still open!   

If you are among the many that didn’t believe in the Son of God, our Messiah, Jesus Christ and you want to be part of this grace today? You say I agree I had a stumbling stone, I did understand Jesus Christ, but now I do… Thank you very much, thank you for trusting God. You have been redeemed today and you are saved through your faith. Amen!

We are saved by Jesus Christ, from Law (which caused us to sin) and we know it through receiving the Spirit of God because we were born again, yes we Know God by faith! Amen! – That is the answer to the four questions above!

That brings us to the end of this sermon service online, please keep in touch with us, by logging on to Wisdom of God Church online daily, read our daily post as they also have helpful resources in the past we have write a lot on spiritual living its available on the left side bar, please read it, it will change your way of viewing life.

Thank you for this time that you took to read this sermon service! If you think it is relevant to someone copy the link here below and paste it in your email and sent it to them. I notice we have some better, bigger share button, if they are applicable use them as well!

May God Bless you!


Part 3 Closing
This was the sermon service for today. Note this sermon service is not extract from the writings of the Evangelist. They may have reference to the writings and to the bible as it is illustrated here in, but they are typed and posted on the very day of the service based on the scripture and wisdom through the spirit of God.

If you have a prayer request please forward to or visit the Prayer Room Online.

We encourage you to share our post with friends and family in anyway as long as you link back to our site

Please tell us how we can do better, or what you think about our works for God, by posting your opinion under the post in the comments section and write to us at or to leave a not for the Evangelist.

Let us close by prayer;

Dear Lord, how wonderful you are!
Thank you for a beautiful sermon,
Thank you that your Spirit that led your Evangelist,
Thank you for your children that could learn from your word
We have come to the end or the online service, but we remain focused in the Spirit for the sake of our soul,
Lead us hereafter further and bless us in the name of Jesus Christ,


Our father,
Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth, as it is in heaven,
Give us our daily bread,
Forgive us our trespasses,
As also we do forgive our trespassers,
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one,
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory,

Now and forevermore!

Receive the blessing of the Lord your God,
So that the love of God the Father,
The Grace of God the Son and
The comforting fellowship of God the Holy Spirit,
Be with us all, Forevermore!


Saints, we believe you had a wonderful service with us online, we recommend you share this sermon with friends by emailing the post to them.

If you have not accepted God as your Lord and Saviour yet, don’t doubt for it is written: Isiah 56:3; Let no foreigner who has bound himself to the Lord say, “The Lord will surely exclude me from his people.” And let not any eunuch complain, “I am only a dry tree” Therefore you foreigners and dry trees, Rejoice for you have now joined in faith and are Children of Abraham after you say this prayer;

Prayer of Repentance
Lord, God Almighty. I have come to be a child of yours, by acknowledging your only begotten Son Jesus Christ, as the Saviour and Grace for my salvation, please receive me now and bless me with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Amen!

If you have done saying that prayer, you are a member of the royals of the Kingdom of God, so start fellowship with a Christian based church in your zone or simply join us online for our services. Check the Online Service Schedule and pop in whenever. You can also subscribe your email address to receive update as they are posted.

Remember, if you are an active member (online active) of our congregation, please email us you biography and what you want to do for God and let’s see what God can trust you with!

May God bless you!

Wisdom of God Church Online International

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