Thursday, 4 February 2016

How to Be Mindful To Accomplish Prosperity

How to Be Mindful To Accomplish Prosperity,
By Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb,

Prosperity is living a life of growth and accomplishments and how to get that kind of life comes to be the question on our mind as we reach into the more mature age of thirty years.
During our mid-twenties towards the thirties we come to realized or search even harder to understand what our purpose in life is. 

This is also when we decide to hold tight to what we have accomplished since we started to be responsible for ourselves, for example the job, the partner, the friends etc…

Many time from my experience of walking in life, I have seen that if a person miss to find themselves during twenty five to say mid-thirties, they kind of get off track all the more and I just don’t want to elaborate on how that person would look like by the time they get to 40.

Mindfulness is the key towards achievements our goals of life, but how do I institute mindfulness in my approach of successful being? Here are at least ten keys of being mindful about your prosperity:

1.  It all starts with talking to yourself. I do talk to myself all the time. Many people have a strong sense of concentration to talk to themselves through thinking, but it’s even better if you just say it out in words, yell at yourself for making a mistake and be hard on yourself, but mostly compliment yourself as well. Understand the reason why you are called an adult and a legal person when you’ve turned eighteen is because you are in charge of yourself right now. So say to yourselves; “I must get up and do what I have to do to become a better person,” and pursue what you say by tolerating no excuses, so start telling yourself where it is you are going to or you are going nowhere in life.

2.   Many times we go a different road and we encounter a stage where we feel enough is enough. Remember, when we complete high school, we kind of want to take a break and that break turns into the nightmare of a quick relationship that produce a unplanned baby (or babies) and then the 'baby-parent' shows true colours and there you have broken-up and you decide to have a beer to calm the pain while you are on the lookout for the right person, until you turn thirty and feel enough is enough (ring a bell?), well I mean that stage. I know of a few people that move in shape quickly and off they go with a career without having to mess up and I respect that, but if you have kind of fall into the mud, you can still get up, just pull yourself up and start talking to yourself and read the list on.

3.   See life as a ladder you are going up on and picture you kind of put something up on each step rank that must motivate you to want to keep on climbing up on this ladder, I think that’s a smart way to motivate yourself. What I mean is set targets in your life. You know yourself, if you talk to yourself you can find what you are capable of so instead of setting targets that are average for you rather have them above average, because average is a result less than average. Use the ladder technique and draw it if you have to and write down your monthly targets and give yourself a star if you accomplish that months target and have a barbecue end of the month only if you have reach your target and if you are a barbecue party kind of person.

  4. Introduce principles in your decision making. Principles are what I like to call “side characters.” Look for what you think are your weaknesses and place principles and self-discipline as barriers against making the same mistakes you have. Maybe you are a barbecue party person as I have illustrated above, tell yourself that no matter what, if I don’t achieve my set target for the month, there is no party. Discipline yourself to the point where you will even tell your best friend “not this time,” after all you are trying to fix your life because if your life is a waste your friend wouldn't be there anyway; most friends aren't, I have learned.

5.   Plan ahead of time, don’t let life catch you off guard. I have learned that the only people that plans ahead are people who obviously studied for a decree or advance (book smarts) and people that did not, but who read daily to upgrade themselves (street smarts). Read! Buy magazines or read online. By reading you may learn about future opportunities in your career and what skills is required. Possibilities of a change in the economic system that may cause you to buy a house cheaper or get better returns on your investment or not. The more you know about how the world operates, you tend to plan ahead better as well.

6.   Be joyful yet be humble in growth it is very important. Sometimes life will feel like everything is suddenly in your favour and suddenly everything you thought you had will be gone. I will explain why this is happening in my closing, however, it is true that many people have been discouraged from getting back up after this stage. If you see a sudden shift in life, even if it is permanent, just be humble and you will keep going up. Let your favourite meal still be it, let your partner still be there, keep the same old friends and go back home and keep in touch with family, because if you come down crashing, they will catch you and let you stand again.

7.   Be hopeful, but be discrete about your way up accomplishing your dreams. We often hear from someone you are shortlisted and you just go around telling everyone as if you have got the deal. It’s good if you know what you are busy with and keep it to yourself, rather pray about it and ask God for wisdom and courage than to announce to King Herod where the Messiah is born cause the king would want to have him killed. Let’s learn from the bible.

8.   There is just one calling and one purpose for each person in life so have an ultimate goal and give yourself a rest. You cannot want everything and you cannot be everywhere. Search your call of life, what it is that you want to accomplish with you entire life and set the correct perimeters to get the best results of your ultimate goal. What I mean is, if you want to be the president of your country one day, relate your strategies around politics, law, economics and related history to startup and associate with similar people instead of being in gambling house half of your life time.

9.   Remember you only have this life time and there are only two thing that can make the memory of you, last in the minds of people. They are your offspring (children) which may cause the people to still kind of talk about you and remember you and finally your reputation; the statues you have set up not only physically, but in the sense that if any one Google your name, at least something must come up instead of “No Result found, Try something else.” What I mean to say is if you have something to offer the world, dear friend act now and make the most of your given time!

10.                Lastly and very importantly whatever you pursue in life, whatever you see as your calling in life, incorporate it with God. See of it as a service for God, after all he give you the chance to be alive and can add to it if it is his will to prolong your time because you exalt him through your life. Make God the important part of your planning and carrying out of the above list and you will do more than what your goal is. On this point consider it along with point 6 above, because many times if things become good, we even have the audacity to turn from God, which is a mistake many have made including King Saul.     

On the closing I revert to point 6 once more. Look at it like this; many time Satan come in disguised, as a businessman for example, offering a huge business investment of a figure so good you don’t believe (money offer may often be the image of the kingdom of Satan) and we rush into signing such a deal and start boasting about it, but remember the gifts of Satan last very short, please read my book To Rise, To Fall, To Rise Again! I am giving away for free on this website and get more on rising and falling as well.

Finally if you are looking at the above tips, you can easily make out that you are a spiritual being living in time, because all is based on what is already inside of you and you simply just have to control, move around and place everything at the right place to live a successful life. 

Say it, say what it is you want to see in your life. Life is formed through words, because the word is God, therefore remember point 10 is the key. 

At last all the best, hope I will get a chance to read your success story very soon.

I will live you with this common phrase: “With great Power, comes Great Responsibility,” 

But my advice is; don’t seek power, look for your role in this world, what you have to offer because the one who serve is greater in heaven just as the Son of God is.

God Bless! Much Love!

Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
Author: To Rise To Fall To Rise Again!
Evangelist for the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Wisdom of God Church Online

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