How to find Me! | Life, Value & Purpose
Manycoloured M. Nowaseb
I have just launched my new
book titled, How to find Me!, and it’s available on at 50% discount,
currently selling for $13 so I am just sharing the preface of the book, which
deals with Life, Value and Purpose. Please enjoy it and click on the “Buy Now”
link below to have the entire book from Payhip.
Life, Value & Purpose

Nothing that you experience
in your life is for granted, or an accident therefore be motioned in such a way that
everything matters around you – most successful people see life like that,
self-consciousness, mindfulness of what surrounds you is the true essence of
being in control of your destination.
In this part I kind of want to
breakdown this three major situation breakers before you, which are life, your
values and your purpose in life, as I intend to help you solve situations in
your life or see meaning in your life, as this elements will help you relate
better to understand the illustrations which will follow in the later parts of
these book (click on link to buy the book), therefore be alert of what you read in this part.
The better you understand
your life, your values and your purpose thereof, you are likely to distinguish
and understand situations you may encounter.
I would start by giving you a
quote by myself in motivation of these book, which I believe will be meaningful
to you and it will support my above remarks and it goes like this:
you don’t know who you are and why you are on this great planet, then you will
view life difficult and unfair, which will likely discourage you more often,
than you will be motivated, therefore its crucial to find who you are as well
as your purpose and values to life .”
That quote kind of summaries the book, but you still have to read to book to understand how to find your purpose, by going step by step.
Even if you believe you have
already found your purpose in life stay with me, yes I must congratulate you,
because you are ninety per cent going to overcome any situation you may
encounter or it may seem like that, however, I must still warn you that the
actual ninety per cent can also destroy you if you are not careful with how to
take on life.
What I mean to say is, (and I
will use a general view –“we”) as we go through situations and solve them, we
will observe, that we are often the cause of our situations and we are also the
solutions to them, I think you will agree.