Monday, 7 March 2016

Love for Enemies, How Christians Can Save the World!

Love for Enemies, How Christians Can Save the World!

Dear Visitors, Followers of Jesus Christ

Greetings Once Again!
I greet you in the mighty and gracious name of our Saviour, the Messiah Lord Jesus Christ, and I thank you for taking time to read this week’s short: Weekly Devotion for 06-12 March 2016, by the Wisdom of God Church Online.

Our guiding text is written in Luke, chapter 6:27-31 NIV:

27 “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who ill-treat you.

29 If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from talking your tunic.

30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.

31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them,”

Devotion Lesson

Dear friend this week’s devotion message is to love our enemies, which is a powerful message to motivate us to remain better people, a message that encourage us to be kind hearted as we’ll go through this week and beyond and to understand our value as Christians.

The bible says we are the light of the world, the salt for everyone and an open letter to many and this means we are exposed to the world, all eyes are on us - during this challenging century as the end of the current time is emerging and the beginning of the Day of the Lord is fast approaching, hence we are called to be equal to our enemies as well as our friends.

In verse 32 it reads; “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them,” reading that part in the teaching I take it that the purpose of the scripture is not to impose on Christians some extended obligation to enemies, but to make us see that we are to live a balanced and concentrated lives.

The scripture teach us to be ever cautious of our actions, that we don’t get drift away in self-conceit. We must base our action with wisdom and careful consideration, that by doing so we may preach the gospel with our actions and self being so that what we do for those that consider them enemies to us, must in the end be touched- to see the Christ in us, by the goodness we show to them.

You see, there is no sinner, neither are there none sinners, there are even no good or bad people. Therefore the bible says our battle is not against flesh and blood –meaning people- but it is against the dark forces of Satan. Christianity is based on constantly rescuing people in the captivity of sin and to free them from such oppression and let them receive the Grace of God.

The point is, if someone calls himself a enemy to you, consider that they say that through the control of evil spirits operating in them – yes it’s inevitable that people are being taken hostage by Satan every now and then, therefore we should not retaliate by the same force which Satan use, but to safe the person from captivity, by showing love, care and peace, in order that Satan flee from them -for light and darkness can’t live together.

See it like this – the more you make peace and restore broken relationships with the people that consider themselves enemies to you, give yourselves a heavenly credit that you are actually releasing them from the spiritual captivity of Satan.

Release a peaceful, caring and loving energy or spirit wherever you go this week and if you see someone that shows resentment and rejection to you or to anyone, understand that you have the remedy for them and the medication is Christ operating through you. Talk to them and restore their peace and love for the grace is for all.

It is your heavenly obligation as a Christian to free people from oppression and captivity, which only you can see, because you view it in the spirit and they don’t understand, because they are in darkness, so instead of hating back – decide to liberate and may God Bless you this week.

Remember, by doing good and showing love and care for your enemies, you actually break the spirit of darkness in them – so now you see that you have a task of saving people out there and trust you know what to do!


Let us pray:

Awesome God, Lord of everything that exist,

Thank you for a wonderful teaching this week, please make us see your presence during this week, let us go out this week and save your people from the hands of the evil one. Let us show love for all as we are custodians of the Gospel of Hope, Love and Faith, through the Grace of Jesus Christ!

Guide us this week, through the power of Your Spirit and let us continue to see your greatness as we go through this week.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


Have a fantastic Monday and the best week ahead. May God Bless You!

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Evangelist Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb

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