Sunday, 31 January 2016

Wisdom of God Church Online Opening!

Hi folks, 

I want to greet you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

I am Evangelist Manycoloured Manley, I’m the founder of Wisdom of God Church Online.

It is a heavenly privilege for me to have establish this platform, to share the wonderful Wisdom our Lord through the Spirit of God.

I have received my calling and the anointing as an Evangelist long before I have learned to type write, but I have been in a development and preparation process before I got to the point at last. It was only towards the end of last year, when God made it clear that my place was to establish an online platform to commence my evangelism of the Word of God.

I would like to share with you my experience about my calling and my struggle to get to these point, but I think it will be worthwhile if I write and publish a book to exclusively focus on that subject.

I am talking about the similar struggle which our Lord Jesus also went through before he commence his works.

Jesus the Son of God when it was the right time after he was Baptist by John (Matt 3:13-17), went into the wilderness for fourty days and nights. It was during this time that He fast and transformed Himself to discourage the nature and desire of the flesh and eventually focused as a spiritual being.

It was confirmed by the three step test which Satan used when he confronted Jesus;

He asked: ‘If you are the Son of God tell this stones to become bread.’ Matt 4:3

I must explain that Satan based this question by looking at the circumstance in which Jesus was. Obviously he was hungry after so many days without a meal.

Don’t let Satan get the upper hand on you, because of the circumstances you are going through right now, no matter how hard you feel it is, God is at hand and able to drag you out of the mud and put your feed on the rock.

Remember “Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” Matt 4:4

Therefore, remain strong no matter how tough the journey of your calling is. Know that Satan will use the very scriptures to try and cause you to stray from the true gospel, but remain focused, seek the Wisdom of God through His Spirit as apostle Paul says; 1 Corth 2:13 “This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.”

And the above scripture is what the Wisdom of God Church online is based on, therefore tune in here for daily devotions Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and for a full sermons written on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Sermons will be updated every day at 08h00 GMT.

Let us pray.

Almighty God, we thank you for this moment. Bless your works which we will do on this platform. Bless your congregation and everyone having a chance to view this gospel writings. Guide us further in Your wonderful name. Amen!

Please tune in again and share the word. Comments, opinion and prayer request are welcome on the details were provided.

May God Bless you!

Evangelist Manycoloured Manley
Founder: Wisdom of God Church Online
Author: To Rise, To Fall, To Rise Again!

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